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Nursing pillows

Breastfeeding pillow made hip and cool, and fun, and supercomfy, and soft… this chic chick so irresistible you’ll want to use it anywhere & everywhere & all the time (that is if your husband doesn’t snatch it before you).

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7 products


Nursing pillow Chic chick - ABC FarmNursing pillow Chic chick - ABC Farm
Nursing pillow Chic chick Velvet touch - KhakiNursing pillow Chic chick Velvet touch - Grey - Mamastore
Nursing pillow Chic chick Velvet touch - Sandnursing pillow velvet touch - sand
Nursing pillow Chic chick Velvet touch - Grey - MamastoreNursing pillow Chic chick Velvet touch - Grey - Mamastore
Nursing pillow Chic chick - Pierre the dogNursing pillow Chic chick - Pierre the dog
Nursing pillow Chic chick Velvet touch - French lavenderNursing pillow Chic chick Velvet touch - French lavender
Nursing pillow Chic chick Velvet touch - RaffaeloNursing pillow Chic chick Velvet touch - Raffaelo